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1000 class vocabulary - 6일차

1000 class vocabulary - 6일차

College Kids Live it up in Mansions - summary 

University of California-Merced Political Science major, Jaron Brandon,

living the good life 

because Merced, California is in the middle of a depressed real estate market,

where home prices have collapsed and where rents are low, even for large,

well-appointed houses.

Jaron Brandon and  each of the roommates pays about 300 bucks a month in rent.

campus dorm is terrible because very small and expensive.

and than so the empt McMansions of Merced have begun to house a growing student 



[ Rachel's Eyes -2 ] - retouch 

Monica tried to force Rachel to 

take the drops but it didn't

work / but she couldn't (do it)

Failed is fine.

But it didn't

Finally, they forced Rachel to 

take the drops and it worked. 

Success / succeed and fail / 

failure are fine but usually for slightly more important sthff.


bodyguard ① 경호원 ② 보디가드 ③ 호위대 

preschool ① 취학전의 ② 유치원 ③ 보육원 

like i could hurt you = (are you seriously?)

Are you making fun of my size = Are you teasing me?

Take away ① 치우다 ② 빼다 ③ 제거하다 

too much ① 감당 못할 ② 너무 한 ③ 못 견딜 

praise ① 칭찬하다 ② 찬사 ③ 칭송하다 ④ 높이 평가하다 ⑤ 찬양하다

nah : 아니 


reference ① 참고 ② 언급 ③ 추천서 ④ 관련 ⑤ 인용 

pretense   ① ~인 체하다 ② 가식 ③ 핑계 ④ 주장 

ultimatum ① 최후의 말 ② 최후통첩 ③ 최후 통고 

supper ① 저녁 식사 ② 만찬 ③ 야식 

insight ① 통찰력 ② 보여줌 ③ 이해 ④ 식견

derivative ① 파생적인 ② 파생어 ③ 파생물 

jacked ① 흥분한 ② 마약에 취한 ③ 근육이 매우 발달한  

(= mess up)